Friday, May 11, 2007

T-Mobile 1st Quarter Results

T-Mobile reported their 1st quarter results. Overall, the numbers showed growth and were higher than analysts' estimates.

Net Additions = 980,000(down from 1.04 million a yr ago, but up from 901,000 in 4Q)
Total Churn = 2.6% (drop from 2.7% this quarter last year)
Post-Paid Churn = 1.9% (drop from 2.1% this quarter last year)
ARPU (Avg. Revenue Per User) = $52 (51% increase year over year)
Data ARPU = $7.50 (increase from $6.50 in 1Q06)

74% of the net additions were post-paid subscribers. Currently 84% of T-Mobile's customers are post-paid subscribers.

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